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Take off with the new Team Challenges in 2023

Daniela Schiffer

Health promotion and climate protection are often close together. In the Changers Fit app, they are two sides of the same coin. If you do something for your own health, you are also doing something for climate protection. At Changers, we want to make this experience even easier and more intuitive for you and your employees every day. That’s why we have significantly improved our Changers Fit app again at the end of the year to motivate your employees with team challenges for health and climate protection in the long term.

Start and design challenges even easier

We have made the administration of challenges even more intuitive. Whether it’s a step, running, cycling, climate protection, or mindfulness challenge, you’ll find everything you need to set up challenges quickly and easily in our new administration environment. With just a few clicks, you can also link motivational elements such as joint tree planting or donation projects to the participation performance of your employees.

Team challenges

Did you know that Changers also covers the costs of your tree plantings? In every booking you already receive a tree planting quota, which you can link to your challenges at any time with just a few clicks. This not only motivates your employees to participate in your activities. It is also easy on your wallet and reduces the time you spend on administration. In addition, with the trees planted, you can be sure that your actions are Earth positive, save CO2 and thus make a contribution against climate change. Learn more about tree planting HERE.

New exciting features for the teams

From now on, your employees can also create their own team as “captains” and invite colleagues. This promotes the communication of your measures within the company and involves the employees from the beginning.

From now on, you also have the option to determine the number of participants in the groups. With a minimum number of participants, you actively motivate employees to invite other colleagues to the challenge so that their own team can start. In addition, the new min/max setting ensures fair competition. With equal team sizes, the performances in the rankings are comparable. We are happy to comply with this request, which has been expressed by many users. This way we also increase the individual motivation to participate.

The new team functions at a glance.

  • Define how many members a team should have at least.
  • Define the maximum number of members a team can have.
  • Current number of members per team is already displayed in the team selection.
  • Start team challenges with equal number of members in the teams.
  • Teams are only visible in the ranking list when the team requirements have been met.
  • You as admin can set up the teams of a ranking list, e.g. in your ranking list “subsidiaries” teams could be Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt.
  • Employees can create their own team in a ranking list.
  • The team is created by the user in the app.
  • Employees who have created their own team become the team captain.
  • Team captains and members can invite colleagues directly to their team.
  • Invited colleagues can leave the team at any time.

You can find more information about the features of the Changers Fit app HERE.

Daniela Schiffer

Managing Director

Daniela is the founder of Changers and health promotion and climate protection have been her passion since 2012.

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