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In motion and informed.

Climate protection is always also health promotion. We show you how to ensure healthy movement, motivated employees, and active climate protection in your company.

CSRD Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung

What Does CSRD-Based Sustainability Reporting Mean for My Business?

CSRD Sustainability Reporting As the introduction of CSRD reporting begins, there are several key points entrepreneurs need to be aware of. It will take 2-3 years for the reporting to fully meet the required standards. This transitional period is acknowledged by the EU bodies responsible for CSRD. What is CSRD?

100 BGM Ideen für die Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF)

100 Corporate Wellness Ideas from Practice for Your Workplace Health Promotion

An effective corporate wellness program that is tangible for your employees requires targeted wellness activities that are implemented within the company. But what options are available? How do you identify the right corporate wellness activities for health promotion in your organization? We provide you with a comprehensive overview of relevant

Mitarbeitermotivation: Tipps und Beispiele um die Motivation der Mitarbeiter zu steigern

Employee Motivation: 15 Useful Tips, Methods, and Strategies

Employee Motivation: Essential for Every Successful Company Motivated employees who tackle their work with dedication and enthusiasm daily are the backbone of any thriving business. However, in practice, this ideal state is often unmet. Many leaders and HR professionals face the challenge of boosting employee motivation without having the right

Gesundheitsförderung im Unternehmen

How Your Company’s Step Challenge Enhances Health and Community Spirit

Boost Your Employees’ Health with Fun. Step challenges are an effective strategy for enhancing employee health and fostering a sense of community. Is a step competition the right initiative for your company, or are you already planning one for your team? In this guide, we will explain why step challenges

Mitarbeiter, die einander Vertrauen - psychologische Sicherheit

What is psychological safety and why is it so important?

Psychological safety is a concept in occupational psychology that describes how secure individuals feel when taking risks and speaking up within a team or organization. Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School, defined psychological safety as “a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up

Nachhaltigkeit bei

Sustainability – trend topic or strategy for the future?

More and more companies are claiming to be sustainable. But customers and potential employees are increasingly well informed and very critical. They want to know who is just making the claim and who is really acting in a climate-friendly way. This is how you successfully communicate a genuine sustainability strategy

Team challenges health and climate protection

Take off with the new Team Challenges in 2023

Health promotion and climate protection are often close together. In the Changers Fit app, they are two sides of the same coin. If you do something for your own health, you are also doing something for climate protection. At Changers, we want to make this experience even easier and more

Mental Illness in focus of Corporate Health Promotion

Mental Illness in focus of Corporate Health Promotion

Mental illnesses are now the most common cause of early retirement, accounting for more than 40 percent. The DAK Health Report 2022 states that mental illnesses are the most common cause of sick leave directly after musculoskeletal disorders. According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, around 15 percent of

Health promotion while sleeping.

Tips for a good night’s sleep in harmony with the inner clock: “Sleep to get well” is a well-known advice. But does it really work? When the clocks are set one hour ahead to daylight saving time, we feel the negative effects of sleep deprivation particularly acutely. Many people then

Climate Token EN

How does a successful climate protection app for cities and municipalities work.

Gamification for more livable cities. Changers is a specialist in digital gamification in the fields of health promotion and climate protection. With our Klima-Taler application for cities, we ensure greater citizen participation in municipal climate protection. 17 cities in Germany are active in the Klima-Taler network, as well as other

Gamification for employee health promotion

Gamification – The motivation makes the game!

Playing is just for kids? Not at all. In Germany, around 34.4 million people play video games. In this article, you can find out how you can use gamification mechanics to live healthier, protect the climate and do good. “First one to the playground wins!” or, “Don’t step on a

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