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Successful implementation of workplace health promotion

Daniela Schiffer

Workplace health promotion has many advantages. This has not been a secret for a long time. As early as 2012, the evaluation of over 60 studies produced reliable figures: Absenteeism can be reduced by 25% with a occupational health management. And productivity also demonstrably increases. Healthier and more satisfied employees also remain loyal to their employer for longer.

Why do not all companies invest in workplace health promotion or build up a comprehensive workplace health management? This article gives an overview of the definition, benefits and efficient measures for health promotion in the workplace and tips on how to achieve a lot with little effort.

Workplace health promotion – definition and classification 

Definition of workplace health promotion by the WHP Coordination Office:

Workplace health promotion (WHP) has many facets and participants. At its core, it is about building and promoting structures in companies that serve employee health. This means identifying health hazards in the workplace and strengthening the resources and health skills of employees.

The WHP is part of the company occupational health management. The Federal Ministry of Health defines it this way:

“Workplace health promotion is an essential component of occupational health management. It encompasses the areas of health and occupational safety, company integration management, and personnel and organisational policy. It includes all measures implemented in the company to strengthen health resources.” (Source: BMA)

Advantages of workplace health promotion

The benefits of workplace health promotion are manifold, not only for the employees, but also for the employer. The Federal Ministry of Health mentions here, among other things, for the employees: 

  • Improvement of health status, 
  • Higher quality of life
  • Reduction of the load and 
  • Maintaining and increasing one’s own performance. 

Benefits to the company include: 

  • Cost reduction due to less sick leave
  • Increase in productivity and quality
  • Increasing employee motivation, 
  • Image enhancement and 
  • Strengthening competitiveness.

Health promotion measures

How important it is to promote the health of employees is shown by the alarming results of a study on occupational health management conducted by pronova BKK: six out of ten respondents complain of burnout symptoms. The most frequently cited complaints include: persistent fatigue and exhaustion, back pain and inner tension. 

Those who want to promote the health of their employees in the long term should always pursue two goals:

  • change in behaviour
  • change of circumstances

It makes sense to keep both in mind in all measures in order to achieve a sustainable change. For example, if you want to promote healthy eating by offering salads in the canteen, you should at the same time ensure that work is organised in such a way that employees also have time for a proper lunch break. 

Anyone looking for the right start in workplace health promotion should know that the health insurance funds support workplace health promotion services on the basis of § 20b SGB V, in particular the establishment and strengthening of health-promoting structures. By the way, those who are afraid of possible costs: for every euro spent, you save €2.70.

5 tips for implementation when starting or expanding workplace health promotion

  1. Ask employees what they would like to see in order to improve their health. On the one hand, you can better adapt your offer to the needs, on the other hand, you increase the willingness and motivation of the employees to implement health-promoting behaviour.
  2. Take advantage of the content and financial support of the health insurance companies.
  3. Plan for digital offerings from the start that can be used in the home office.
  4. If you are starting your WHP from scratch, start with proven entry topics. The German Federal Ministry of Health advises focusing on the following topics first: back health, nutrition, and stress.
  5. If you want to offer your employees more, we will be happy to advise you. With the Changers CO2 fit app, you have a digital platform at your disposal that combines preventive health care with climate protection, contributes to team building and motivates in a playful and sustainable way.

Workplace health promotion with the digital health platform from Changers

Two out of three companies particularly appreciate the Changers CO2 fit app because it is easy to implement and the existing occupational health management and CSR measures are integrated quite simply. Changers was awarded both in the area of workplace health promotion as EUPD TOP BRAND and by the Solarimpulse Foundation for efficient climate protection. The combination of climate protection and health promotion is unique. Gamification and playful competitions provide sustainable motivation. 

More information on the topic? Click here for the article “Occupational health management under stress“.

Daniela Schiffer

Managing Director

Daniela is the founder of Changers and health promotion and climate protection have been her passion since 2012.

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